Group Questions

In Him Was Life - December 9


John realized who his cousin Jesus really was based not on a blind faith, but on points of evidence that could be historically documented. These signs unquestionably tell us of Jesus’ power and perfection.


1. John describes the seven sign miracles of Jesus to give credence to Jesus’ identity as Lord of all. What personal points of evidence do you have in your life that support the truth of Jesus?

2. Through His miracles, Jesus showed His power to bring joy from disappointment. Share a disappointing circumstance that Jesus turned into good for you.

3. John responded to the evidence of Jesus’ glory by surrendering his life. How should we respond?

4. What are you holding back from surrendering? Are you giving Jesus all He deserves?

5. How do you feel about Jesus? How can we live life in response to His glory and greatness?


What is something you need to do or surrender this week in light of who Jesus is? Whatever it is, take a step in that direction. Put it on the calendar, be disciplined, and tell a friend who can help keep you accountable.