The Creek Church

Group Questions

Betting On God - June 18


The stories we love best are the ones we relate to the most. The reason? Our favorite stories are our own. The story of Abraham is the story of whom scripture refers to as, "The Father of Faith," his faith paved the way for those would come after him. His faith was so strong, he bet it all on God, and in the end he and the world was better off because of it. Though his story is epic, if we listen long enough, and lean in close enough we just might find our own story in Abraham's.


1. When you think about some of music’s greatest hits, what songs are on the top of your playlist?

2. Abraham refused to let the desire for comfort and security keep him from taking the risk of leaving home and his family. Has there ever been a time when you think you missed a God opportunity because you wanted to play it safe?

3. Abraham did some incredibly human things in his life that many would feel may disqualify him from being such a central part of God's plan for the world, but it didn’t. What do we learn about God from this fact?

4. Knowing that relationship with God is about belief not behavior, faith not works, is at odds with human nature. We hold grudges, refuse to forgive, get angry at wrongdoers, and at times set people aside because of things they have done. Why is the discovery that our relationship with God is on the basis of faith not behavior such a monumental truth? Why do we have such a difficult time emotionally connecting to this idea (ie - always worried that God is angry with us, etc.)?

5. What strikes you most in the part of the story with Abraham and Isaac heading to Mt. Moriah?

6. Where in the story of Abraham did you find your own story? What did you learn about you, others, and God?


Don't hold on to things, people, position, etc., too tightly. Faith is willing to relinquish what is most important to you, because it believes God has something more important for you.


Romans 4:20-21 NIV

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.