The Creek Church

Central Promotional Media Director

Job Overview:

The Central Promotional Media Director is responsible for overseeing the promotion and public image of The Creek Church by creating, managing, and overseeing content creation efforts across the church’s multiple campuses. The Promotional Media Director will work closely with church leadership, ministries, and volunteers to ensure cohesive messaging and impactful communication that aligns with the church’s mission and vision.

Job Description

What You Need:

A strong belief in the vision, mission, and core values of The Creek Church

A passion for storytelling and film

Experience in content creation including a knowledge of cameras, lenses, lighting, and editing

Proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite

The ability to develop and lead a team of volunteers

The ability to tell stories that evoke emotion

A desire to grow, learn, and get better

The ability to lay aside your creative preferences to serve the greater purpose of each project.

The ability to receive feedback and make adjustments as necessary.

A spirit of collaboration.


To be a church that people who don’t like church love to attend.


To Love God, Love People and Lead those people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

The Creek is a growing church committed to being a church that people who don’t like church love to attend. We believe there are too many people who’ve had their opinion of Jesus shaped by a bad experience with christians and the church, and that God has called us to reach those people. Over the last 20 years we’ve seen God use this vision to take a church that was reaching 45 people weekly and grow it into a multi-campus church that now reaches thousands of people each week. During that time we’ve seen God change so many lives. We believe God is just getting started and that He wants to use our vision to change lives across the entire state of Kentucky.


We Can’t Stay Here

Matthew 28:18-20

God’s desire for His church is growth. If we stay as we are, if we stay where we are, and if we keep doing the same things we always have, we will miss out on what He wants to do in and through us. Progress doesn’t just happen on its own. Progress requires process, and we embrace that fully.

Bridges are Better than Barriers

Acts 15:19

If Jesus invited everyone, what right does the church have to make it difficult for anyone to follow him? A church is never more unlike Jesus than when it keeps out those he invited in, and he invited everyone in. We will be a church that builds bridges to those far from Jesus, not a church that puts barriers in their way.

Generosity Changes Lives

Acts 20:35

Generosity is the catalyst for life change. God was radically generous to us when he gave us His Son, and our lives were changed. When we give of our time, talents, and resources, God uses our generosity to change the lives of others. We will be a church that sees generosity not as an obligation but as an opportunity to change lives.

“We” is Greater than “Me”

Philippians 2:3, John 17:20-23

As Christians, we are called to be as one so the world can believe in Jesus through us. We can’t be in conflict with one another and on mission at the same time. God can do greater things through us as a church than he can through us as individuals. God never intended for us to follow Jesus alone. We will be a church united in a community of faith and unified by one vision: to be a church that people who don’t like church love to attend.

It’s Better to Serve than be Served

Matthew 20:26

Too many followers of Jesus simply go to church every week and consume. They think that the church exists for them, but that’s not what Jesus intended. We are the church, and we exist for the world. God called us to serve and contribute, not to sit and consume. We believe that as followers of Jesus, the greatest thing we can do with our lives is to serve others.

Everyone Can Reach Someone

1 Corinthians 9:19-22

We believe that we are in the world to influence the world, but we can’t do that by staying separate from the world. The only way the world will change is if we intentionally engage with the world. We will be a church that seeks relationships with those far from Jesus and leverages our influence in the world to make disciples.

Does This Sound Like You?

Apply Now

You will be asked to upload your resume to the application. Once we’ve received your information we’ll be in touch to obtain some examples of your work.