The Creek Church

Group Questions

Give Us Kentucky - May 19


Kentucky, The Land of Tomorrow. It once was the starting point that sparked a faith movement and can be again. When we share Jesus, the Church can be the Light that shines in the darkness, the Help for the helpless, and the Hope for the hopeless.


1. The story of Nehemiah begins when he hears the news that his home city is in ruins. The walls of Jerusalem are broken down and the people were being harassed by their enemies. That realization breaks his heart and creates a burden. That burden leads to prayer and fasting, and eventually results in action. When you think about Kentucky and your community, what are some things, issues, and people that you have a burden for?

2. What do you usually think of when you think of revival? How does that compare to what Pastor Trevor talked about this morning?

3. In what ways can you be a part of what God is doing at the Creek?

4. Share how someone stepped into your life when your “walls” were broken down.

5. How can your small group be a part of the solution and impact Kentucky?


Commit to praying big, serving, and giving generously. Make “Give Us Kentucky” your prayer!