The Creek Church

Group Questions

Following and Leading - March 26


As we follow Jesus our faith grows. As our faith grows our lives change. But have you ever wondered, “What is the point of being a Jesus follower?” Matthew records Jesus saying, “Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). You see, those who follow Jesus are to lead others to follow Jesus. This is the purpose God has for each of our lives. His plan is simple — to reach people through people, through you and me. How can we begin to do this? We can start by building relationships with people, showing love and modeling faith, praying for opportunities to invest in people and invite them, being bold, and trusting God with the results. Loving God and loving people involves leading people to faith in God. When you live your life on mission, everything you do begins to have significance. Who is in your life that you can lead to become a follower of Jesus?


1. The concept of faith is often misunderstood and confusing. What are common ideas about faith you have had or that you have encountered?

2. Before this series, what did you think the point of following Jesus was? What caused you to come to that conclusion? Does it differ from what Jesus said? If so, how?

3. Have you ever led someone to be a follower of Jesus? If not, why not? If so, how were you able to have that conversation?

4. Often we are so afraid of looking weird while sharing our faith that we take the opposite extreme and don't share at all. What does a good healthy balance look like between scaring people off and not sharing at all?

5. Using the five tips to leading others to follow Jesus (build relationships, show love and model faith, pray for opportunities to invest and invite, be bold, and trust God with the results), what are some practical things that you can commit to doing to begin leading others to follow Jesus?

6. Right now, what part of your daily life brings you in contact with the most unchurched people? Are you being intentional about reaching them? Is there somewhere else you should intentionally spend more time in order to be strategic with your influence?

7. Who in your life do you have burden for? If your answer is no one, what are some things you can do to change that?


Think on the people God has placed in your life. Is there someone you should be leading to follow Jesus?


Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”