The Creek Church

Group Questions

Preventative Maintenance - August 28


God wired each us with a longing to love and be loved, a desire to know someone and be known by someone. Whether or not we realize it, we all crave community with others. Relationships that are mutually beneficial make us wiser, sharper, and better versions of ourselves. The first century church was so compelling because it had ability to create and sustain community among diverse people. Community is inspiring to see, but the greatest power of community is in what it prevents. Community keeps us from living out the stories we don't want to tell.


1. The early church prayed for one another, preferred one another, valued hospitality and compassion, loved one another, considered one another, and served one another. What is something that they did with and/or for each other that strikes you the most?

2. The early church was devoted to truth and devoted to community. Why is devotion to truth not enough?

3. Of the list of things that are important to creating community (love, bear with, prefer, accept, carry each other’s burdens, build up, forgive, submit to, comfort, pray for, serve, be hospitable, judge not, envy not, bless, be compassionate), which seems the most important or striking to you? Which have you seen in action in your own communities? How has that affected you?

4. Has there ever been a time in your life when someone else’s encouragement has helped you through a difficult time or protected you from turning away from God? Have you ever been there for someone else?

5. What does it mean that the greatest power of community is preventative? Why do we need preventative community?

6. Do you feel like the Church is the best place to find healthy community?

7. Do you think that being in a community group has been preventative care for you and your life? If so, how?

8.  Has being in a small group benefited you personally and spiritually? How?

9. If you are in a community group already, take a moment to evaluate your group honestly. Are there ways you could deepen the relationships you’re building in your group? Are you all growing together spiritually and emotionally?

10. Do you know someone who is in desperate need of community right now? (You don't have to name names.) What steps could you take to connect them to the community they need?


Be intentional in pursuing and building community with others. Begin to “one another” a group of others, and give it time. Let community come naturally. Remember that community isn't always fun, flashy, or fancy, but it is powerful nonetheless. It is hard to quantify prevention.