The Creek Church

Group Questions

Just A Thought Away - April 10


Jesus promised a better life, but so many feel they have a lesser life instead. Many feel as though life change is impossible. They have tried it and failed many times. However the New Testament says that life change is possible and even inevitable if we simply adjust our thinking. What if changing your life was as easy as changing your thinking? In fact, it is exactly that easy. 


1. When people use the word heart instead of mind, what misconceptions do you think can arise?

2. Why do you think Jesus starts his public ministry by talking about repenting or changing your mind? Why is it important for us to know the correct definition of biblical repentance?

3. Have you ever heard someone use the excuse, “I can’t help how I think or how I feel?” Why do you think people believe this? If we can indeed help how we think or feel, what are the implications?

4. What is the last significant thing you changed your mind about? Talk about the process and the effect that change of thinking had in your life. 

5. Have you had a pattern of thinking that you have trained yourself out of before? Tell a little about that season of life. 

6. Four steps were given in the message to move ourselves towards renewing our minds and paving the way to a changed life:

    1. Replenish our minds with truth.
    2. Choose to start thinking differently. Reject bad thoughts and replace them with good ones.
    3. Respond to truth by starting to act differently. 
    4. Repeat.

The more we do this our mind is renewed and our life undergoes change. Over time, old habits begin to pass away and a better life becomes reality. In what areas do you need to apply this approach to your current thinking? 

7. Why would it be considered freedom to love doing what you ought to do? 


Start a prayer time.
Adopt a bible reading plan. 
Identify some areas where you need to think differently, and choose to think differently. 
Identify some sources that are feeding your wrong thinking and limit those influences. 
Act differently based on the truth. 
Repeat again and again. 


Romans 12:1–2 (NIV) Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.