The early Christian church had some obstacles and disadvantages. They did not have buildings where they could gather together, they had no media outlets, and they only had some scriptures but not the full bible. Despite all this, they laid the foundation for what the modern church gets to experience today. They had a faith and a confidence in God that was not shaken. As a result they had a consistency and discipline that allowed the church to do what Jesus had commanded them to do. They pursued God in their understanding of scripture, loved one another, gave generously, and worshipped well.
1. Compared to the church today, the early church appeared to be at something of a disadvantage. They didn't have buildings to meet in, individual bibles, media outlets, government support. Why do you think the early Church spread so quickly?
2. Do you think the church today has made the most of our opportunities and conveniences?
3. What area in your spiritual life have you been most consistent? What benefits have come from that long-term obedience? What are some areas that you struggle with and lack consistency?
4. We are usually harsh critics our ourselves. If someone observed your life, would they say that you demonstrate love towards others? Why or why not?
5. What makes us fear accountability to others when it comes to being disciplined spiritually?
6. Whether it be attending consistently, inviting boldly, giving generously, joining a serving team, or joining a discipleship group, what do you think is keeping you from taking your next step to becoming a more devoted follower of Jesus?
Discipleship requires that we let go of the past and live in the present according to the Will of God. What are some ways God has blessed you in the past? What are some things that have derailed your commitment to be a better disciple? What steps do you need to take today? (join a group, give/tithe, study the bible, consistent in church attendance, etc.) What is your plan to implement these changes?
Acts 1:8 ESV But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.