The Creek Church

Group Questions

Someone's Storyteller - September 18


Everyone loves a good story. Stories create an opportunity to connect with people and communicate something in a compelling and persuasive way. Jesus taught his followers about the power of telling their stories. Everyone has a story of faith, and those stories carry the potential to influence people to take a step in the direction of faith. 


1. Share a little with the group about your story of faith. 

2. Who could you influence towards faith by telling your story?

3. Statistics show that over time followers of Jesus have fewer and fewer relationships with those who are not followers of Jesus. Why is this? 

4. Why are many people more open to hearing someone’s story rather than just hearing a sermon? 

5. Why is it important for Christians to make sure they don’t share weird versions of their stories, and/or use overly churched language in communicating their story? Give examples of what could make a story weird or language that seems too churchy? 

6. The formerly demon-possessed man asked to follow Jesus, but Jesus told him to go home and tell the story of what God had done in his life. What can we learn from this example?

7. Have you ever had the opportunity to share your story? How did it go?


Invite your ONE to the service on October 2nd.
Reflect on your story and practice telling it to yourself. 


Mark 5:19 Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”